About the Sports Academy.
Gulu Sports Academy is a community-based mainstream sports development venture aimed at developing and naturing talents for underprivileged children from Gulu (Rural and Urban) communities, often a number of academies do charge parents to pay for their children to be trained in the different games and this does not Favour the underprivileged children such as street children, children of the poor, orphans and girls. The academy is registered with the Uganda youth football association and is in a process of registering with National council of sports.
Dedication plus Motivation Equals to SUCCESS.
Categories of Beneficiaries we work with.
The venture is working with children from the following age categories: –
1. Children under the age of 8, 13, and 15 for Football, Netball, Basketball and volleyball.
2. The sports academy helps in spotting and developing talents in Northern Uganda.