Nothing can stop me menstrual Hygiene campaign. 
Often girls with and without disabilities have limited access to games sports activities, this is because of menstrual cycle which is always seen as a taboo in our communities, girls are always forbidden from participating in any activities when they are seeing their menstrual periods. Boys always abuse this girls and hence high level of drop out due to this stigma.

The major problem they face is limited access to menstrual pads in school, many girls use old cloths

which always stains their clothes hence accelerating abuse and stigma from the community, ASA identified three schools within Gulu (Gulu Primary blind Annex, Gulu Prison Annex for Learning Disability and Laroo Primary Annex for the Deaf) with the highest numbers dropout rates on menstrual periods  this is because the school does not provide to girls pads when experiencing menstrual periods.  We trained a total of 30 girls as trainer of trainers (TOT) who intern trained more girls within their schools, They produced a total of 1000 reusable pads within the three schools.

Interclass competition on adaptive games and sports for Children with Disabilities in 20 Schools. 
ASA Organized Interclass competition in 20 primary schools targeting over 1,170 children with disabilities and over 5,000 children without disabilities in the different schools. This activity was done through partnership with Save the Children International, the adaptive sports interclass competition was aimed at raising awareness on the existing adaptive games and sports available in the schools.

The interclass competition was also organized to create social inclusion, social wellbeing and active lifestyle among children with and without disabilities in schools,
Parents, community members, district officials, partner organizations and local leaders were also invited to witness the different adaptive games introduced to their schools, these was also aimed at creating a platform for advocacy and for changing the mindsets of the community members towards children with disabilities,

The competition was also organized to check on the impact of the trainings and capacity building training delivered to the teachers in the 20 schools (10 Gulu, 10 Amuru) District.

The interclass competition was a great success as per the objectives set for the activity we realized the following: –

  • Witnessed a great mindset changes among children with and without disabilities, the level of socialization has increased among children in the different, there is evidence of acceptance among the children.
  • Increased participation and active involvement of Children with Disabilities in adaptive games and sports in schools.
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem among children with disabilities through their participation in sports.

This has contributed to the increased enrolment of children with and without disabilities in schools ToFI (Together for inclusion project) had a target of enrolment of 400 CWDs but due to the different measures put in place including sports for children with disabilities increased enrolment of CWDs to over 1,000.

Organized the Inclusion Festival First Edition 2022

The inclusion festival was organized for the first of its kind in Gulu Uganda, this activity was done into partnership with Back Uganda, the was aimed at raising awareness about the activities done by the two organization, fundraise for the different activities and to commemorate the internal day for persons with disabilities in Uganda, Gulu District. The festival invited the general community from Gulu to purchase tickets, sponsor the festival and those interested especially businesses for persons with disabilities were allowed to bring in their different products. A total of 100 plus people registered to participate in the event with a total of 8 sponsors such as Light for the World, Children’s care Uganda, ICEA Lions Gulu, Ribbo Coffee, Gulu University, University of the secret heart, and Gulu Disabled persons Union, 4 businesses for persons with disabilities also had the opportunity to sell their products.  The event had a budget of Ugx 1,900,000/= we managed to fundraise sh 3,279,000/= and we spent sh 1,306,000/= here is the link the festival video on YouTube