Christmas Party for Children with disabilities in Gulu Uganda.
The 2021 Christmas Party was the first of its kind, organized for children with disabilities in Uganda, this was made possible through our online fundraising, were we managed to raise $1200 of $2500 target, we want to thank all our supporters, friends and the Board of Directors of ASA for making a big difference in the lives of our CWDs and their families. through this support a total of 30 children had fun, played different adaptive games, received T-shirts, enjoyed drinks and snacks, on top of that 25 school going children received scholastic materials like Dozen of Books, Pens, Pencils, Mathematical sets, bags and food relief to all the Parents to celebrate Christmas and New year with. We are blessed to have our women member of parliament Betty Aol Ochan present in the event and local the local radio stations within Gulu.

#Deaf football Challenge cup. #FootballPeople weeks (Fare network)
This year the Deaf challenge cup was hosted by Omoro District in Northern Uganda with funding support from Fare Network (#FootballPeople weeks events) on the 11-16 Oct 2021, its a tradition for ASA to organize at least one challenge cup aimed at raising awareness on disability. This year theme was about changing the negative attitude of the community towards hearing impaired children. We engaged children with hearing impairment in a mixed team football competition with their hearing counter parts, this event created a big platform for awareness creation, attitude change, mindset shift, social inclusion, advocacy and physical and mental health development through the games played. A total of 266 children (Boys and Girls) registered from different community teams, out of 266 (46 were children with disabilities).

Big Heart for Humanity Campaign -June 2021 to August 2021
In June 2021 ASA launched a covid-19 response fundraiser to support 40 families for parent with children living with disability in Gulu District, Northern Uganda. The campaign was to help families greatly affected by the impact of the lock down measures put in place by the government. This has left many families who have children with disabilities desperately in need of food. The first lock down in March 2020 has heavily impacted the lives of these children, many of them became malnourished and weak. Through this campaign we managed to reach 38 families with food relief, two children with disabilities got wheelchairs, 1 got beddings and 1 familiy got relocated to their home with the support from the community who constructed for them a house. we are so grateful to all our supporters, friends, and parents who made this a reality.

Training of Teachers in Primary Schools in Adaptive Sports and Physical literacy facilitation skills.
We are thankful to Save the Children International for contracting Ability Sports Africa to train 40 teachers from 20 schools from Gulu and Amuru Districts in adaptive sports and physical literacy skills, Indeed we will achieve inclusive education in Uganda through the power of adaptive sports.

Adaptive Basketball for Girls and Boys with and without hearing impairment
We are committed in building sports for girls with disabilities (Deaf and Physical) in Uganda, ASA has started a pilot project on wheelchair basketball and stand basketball sporting activities in Northern Uganda a region affected by 20 years war, we are using sports for fan and as a tool for social-Interaction with peers, psycho-social support and for creating social change in the community.