Welcome to Ability Sports Africa 2023 Activity Report

We are grateful to all our supporters for the great milestone reached in the year 2023 the followings were our achievements in sports for social change. 

1. Supported 80 children with disabilities from 3 inclusive primary schools with scholastic materials such Braille papers, slates and stylus, for 28 blind children, books, mathematical sets and pens to 30 deaf children and 22 children with other forms of disabilities. This was a success through partnership with ROTARY CLUB OF KIGO KAMPALA.

2. Successful kicked started the ASA JUNIOR PREMIER LEAGUE in March 2023 and completed two different seasons, we have witnessed an increase of children in the league from 160 to 260 children who enjoyed football games with thier deaf peers.  

3. Successfully trained 20 new games and sports coaches in adaptive games and sports, increasing the number of trained coaches to 60 (35 Male 25 Female) these was possible through funding support from Save the children international.

4. We hosted the National Deaf challenge cup attracting over 13 deaf football teams from 8 Districts within Uganda this activity was done in collaboration with Uganda Deaf football Association through funding support from Uganda Communication Commission (UCC)

5. Weekly training for 560 children with disabilities in schools and communities with focus on sports like deaf football, boccia games, goal ball, blind football, showdown, football, wheelchair basketball,  Deaf Basketball, inclusive games and para athletic. 

6. Signed MoU with 10 more schools to implement our inclusive sports program in rural communities of Gulu District. 

8. 5 players from our Gulu Wheelchair Basketball club represented Uganda 🇺🇬 in the first paralympic games in Ghana, Uganda was ranked 8 in Africa. 

9. Nominated  for the African sports impact award as finalist in the category of Sports for Inclusion but did not make it as a winner, we are grateful for the recognition.

10. We won the first national blind football championship held in Kampala, Gulu blind cyclone

11. Offered refresher training for 40 games and sports teachers from 20 primary schools from Gulu Amuru.