1.      Entered into a partnership agreement with HELP-Uganda, and Rotary club of kigo.

2.      Kick started and launched the ASA Junior premier league for children with and without disabilities in Gulu City.

3.      Trained 40 teachers (20 Female 20 Male) on inclusive adaptive games and sports in Gulu and Amuru Districts.

4.      Organized interclass competition in 20 primary schools targeting over 1,170 children with disabilities and over 5000 children without disabilities.

5.      Engaged over 230 children with disabilities and their peers in a weekly training sessions in three primary schools in Gulu city.

6.      Trained girls from 3 primary schools on were trained with skills to make reusable sanitary pads for their fellow girls in school.

7.      Provided scholastic materials to children with disabilities.

8.      Organized the first inclusion festival to commemorate the international day for persons with disabilities.


9.      Followed over 23 families for children with disabilities within Gulu. 


Ability Sports Africa entered into a working agreement with two more organizations, to help support Our vision of an inclusive community for all children and youth with and without disabilities through the power of adaptive games and sports in Uganda. 


Advocacy and Awareness Programs

Through documentaries, home visits, social media and posters, we we conduct mass media campaigns with the motto “My ability is what defines me”. The key messages targets parents/caregivers, youth/children with disabilities and community leaders to promote participation in and the benefits of sport, regardless of disability.

Training of Trainers

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to promote Adaptive Sports, Creative Arts, Advocacy and Mainstreaming disability Sports to build confidence, self esteem, awareness creation, change attitude to reduce stigma and discrimination on disability.we empower teachers, coaches and peer mentors in an inclusive adaptive sports coaching skills.


Sports Festivals

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to promote Adaptive Sports, Creative Arts, Advocacy and Mainstreaming disability Sports to build confidence, self esteem, awareness creation, change attitude to reduce stigma and discrimination on disability.we empower teachers, coaches and peer mentors in an inclusive adaptive sports coaching skills. we offer games such as;-

Wheelchair Basketball,Sitting Volleyball (physical),Wheelchair Tennis (physical), Goal ball for the Blind, Showdown for the Blind, Padding, Swimming, Table tennis, Archery, wheelchair racing (cycling),Amputee soccer, Football (Deaf, girls, boys), Handball, Netball, Pool, Basketball (deaf), Volleyball,Tennis,Athletics.



Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is the motivation an individual has that leads one to become physically competent, enduring, and confident. It also demonstrates knowledge about one’s own physical and mental health. To be physically literate means that you own your well-being through life. We give opportunity to children with disabilities to gain self reliance/daily leaving skills of wheeling, dressing, washing, playing and interacting.

Success Stories

We organise our physical literacy programs and adaptive sports programs in inclusive primary schools and community in gulu and the neigboring districts of Amuru, Nwoya and omoro, our main aim is to reduce the stigma related to disabilities in schools and community we leave in through an inclusive sports and creative arts programs. 

Get in touch


Pece Division Gulu City 

Jomo kenyatta Road

Contact Us

Phone : + 256771487566

Email : info@abilitysportsafrica.org

Our Hours

MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00

SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00

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